Laniakea Supercluster:
The Local Supercluster or Local SCl; also called Laniakea Supercluster (Laniakea, Hawaiian for open skies or immense heaven; sometimes Lenakaeia) is the galaxy supercluster that is home to the Milky Way and approximately 100,000 other nearby galaxies. It was defined in September 2014, when a group of astronomers (including R. Brent Tully of the University of Hawaii, Hélène Courtois of the University of Lyon, Yehuda Hoffman of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and Daniel Pomarède of CEA Université Paris-Saclay) published a new way of defining superclusters according to the relative velocities of galaxies. The new definition of the local supercluster subsumes the prior defined local supercluster, the Virgo Supercluster, as an appendage.
If you were humbled when you saw how remote our galaxy is in the cluster known as Laniekia, the photo above reveals where that super cluster is located among other super clusters. It is the area highlighted in yellow.
Gravity, the most mysterious force in our universe, cannot be explained. There are many statements as to what Gravity can do, but no one can point to the source of Gravity or scientifically describe what it really is. If one replaces the word Gravity in that statement with the word God, many of the readers would be more comfortable with counter arguments against The Universal Church of Gravity movement.
Gravity strength varies with the many objects in our universe. Satellites of larger objects are in constant battle with their captors. They exert as much pull on the larger object as possible while the larger object holds them in orbit. Without Gravity there would be chaos in the universe. Gravity is also the reason that significant objects in the universe have a ball like shape. The variation in size of the ball like objects in the universe caused by Gravity is immeasurable and uncontrollable which suggests that Gravity is more important than we ever imagined. Gravity is found in Quantum Mechanics and waves across the universe. Gravity is so powerful it can not be predicted. Even the great mind of the late Physicist Stephen Hawking could not predict if the universe will expand until all becomes dark and cold or if the universe will eventually contract into an incredibly dense object he called “The big crunch” and explode again to form a new universe.
Hawking suggested that among the trillions of stars found in the billions of observable galaxies, one in five probably has an earth like planet capable of supporting some type of life. Hawking also stated that the distances between inhabitable planets is so immense that contact between intelligent beings is all but impossible.
To the left is a photograph of a Supernova (exploding star) three hours after explosion.
Our Founder was raised in a Christian household and taught that only the Catholic Church is the true church. Somewhere in the gene pool from which his brain was formed there must have been a contrarian because, from an early age, he started searching for answers instead of basing his beliefs on faith. When he asked one of the nuns teaching him in grammar school to explain faith, she said that faith is believing in something you cannot prove. That was all he needed to start looking for the meaning of life and any true religion. He could not find a religion that answered his questions so he based his religion on the strongest force in our universe. Gravity.
Property of J. David Joyce